Curtis Lillie, Lead Pastor
What We Believe
God: We believe in one eternal God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Bible: We believe that the Bible is fully inspired by God and is the ultimate authority for faith and life.
Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who lived a sinless life, offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people, and rose again.
Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is active in the world, making people aware of their need for Christ and living in every Christian from the moment of their salvation.
Human Beings: We believe that people are made in the image of God but have been separated from Him because of their sin.
Salvation: We believe that through Jesus’ death on the Cross our sins can be forgiven and our lost relationship with God can be restored.
Sanctification:We believe that the Holy Spirit can cleanse our hearts from self’s rule as we surrender ourselves fully to Him.
The Church: We believe that the Church is Christ’s body in the world today, carrying out His mission until He returns.
The Future: We believe that when Jesus Christ returns, everyone will stand before God to give an account of their lives. Our response to Christ’s gift of salvation in this life will determine whether we live forever in heaven or hell.
Our Mission
Jesus in every neighborhood.
God’s work happens in and through Discovery in four primary spheres: the individual, household, small group, and congregation. In each of these spheres disciples are growing and helping others grow.
Individuals: Faith is personal. Disciple-making begins with individuals who invest in their own spiritual growth. They then help others grow as disciples of Jesus.
Households: Faith is lived. Disciple-making happens when individuals rise in the morning, eat meals, relax, do chores, and have ordinary conversations until the day comes to an end. Members of households help each other grow as disciples of Jesus.
Neighborhood Groups: Faith is shared. Disciple-making happens when households join together to help, support, encourage, and challenge each other.
Congregation: Faith is big. Disciple-making happens when neighborhood groups partner with each other to accomplish what no single group could effectively do alone.
Our Team
Pastoral Staff
Pastor Curtis Lillie
Office: (925) 449-5256 ext. 302
Cell: (925) 216-0502
Pastor David Kim
Worship Pastor/Church Planter
Office: (925) 449-5256
Cell: (650) 660-0373
Amanda Montenegro
Office: (925) 449-5256
Ministry Directors
Alle Emerson
Local Mission
Jeannie Biesiada
Spiritual Formation
Derry Calay
Community Breakfast
Kim Bowlby
Sunday School
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9am – 12pm
5862 Las Positas Road
Livermore Ca 95551
(925) 449-5256